Scale-up Leaders' Academy

Helping ambitious business owners to prepare for sustainable high-growth, the Entrepreneurs' Forum's Scale-up Leaders' Academy will enable you to scale sustainably with the support of your peers and a clear strategic plan.


What is it?

Spread over 6 months, the Scale-up Leaders' Academy is a programme of dedicated support that will help you and your team prepare to grow your company faster and more sustainably through a mix of:

  • Scaling-up coached workshops specifically for the business owner
  • Peer group support and sharing of best practice
  • Peer-to-peer mentoring 
  • Workshops designed for you and your team to learn together
  • Free upgrade to Premium membership for one year so your team can attend further Forum events

Who is it for?

The Academy has been designed specifically for business owners who are running growing companies with a recommendation that they employ at least 10 members of staff, who would like to scale-up.   If you're employing fewer than 10 people but are still keen to scale please speak to us and we'll help you decide if the programme is right for you. 

What will the programme cover?

With a mix of scale-up coaching and peer-to-peer mentoring for you, and relevant business expertise and inspiration for you and your senior management, the Scale-up Leaders' Academy will give you a valuable insight into how successful organisations have scaled-up and engage your team along the way; allowing you to implement change immediately and transform the way you work.

Is there a cost?

To join the Scale-up Leaders' Academy costs £4,000 +VAT per person, for members of the Entrepreneurs' Forum. Membership costs from £560 + VAT per year. 

The course pays for itself!  Our 2023 cohort reported that they had upgraded their revenue forecasts as a result of the taking part in the programme by an average of over 10%.

When will it be?

Cohort 8 of the Academy will begin in January 2025 and runs through to June 2025, encompassing six coached sessions for you and your cohort and three workshops for you and your team, plus a place at the Forum's Spring conference. 

How can I apply?

Applications for the 2024 are now closed but you can register your interest for Cohort 8, which begins in January 2025 by emailing


Feedback from 2023

In 2023, 12 entrepreneurs took part in the Academy scoring the programme 9.4/10.  

  • 100% reported improved leadership skills
  • The course pays for itself with participants reporting that they had upgraded their 2023 revenue forecasts as a result of the programme by over 10%
  • The average headcount of participants increased from 10 staff to 12 staff after completing the academy

What did participants say they took from the programme?

“I have appointed a SLT - which has had a HUGE impact on the amount of delivery I personally undertake and the effectiveness I now have to focus on strategy. I now have the confidence to know I have tried and tested methods which have seen other businesses flourish and that insight and knowledge makes me feel less like I am making it up and more that I am driving the business for growth with knowledge and awareness.”  

Accountability which in turn has seen us recover a huge amount of debts resulting in us having more expendable cash available to help grow the business” 

"Changed mindset   Will be restructuring next week. Getting the right people on the bus (and the wrong ones off the bus!). Also changing accountant to provide better financials and data that matters.  Loved the team sessions. Only really just getting the chance to start implementing learnings.”  

Bringing clarity to the goal. Getting a strategy down on paper. Learning from experiences shared by others.”  

Time to reflect and look forward strategically. Working with Ian and the cohort!” 

Clarity, Awareness and Organisation.”  

Changing business structure, delegating more, prioritising better, improving employment procedures, having better control over finances and people.”  

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